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Terminating voice calls through VOIP

It happens when shady carriers route traditional voice call to terminate through VOIP,
using OTT service providers to terminate calls.

OTT bypass route


International OTT voice communications usage is growing at fast pace. They are a cheaper alternative to traditional voice. MNOs face the challenge of finding ways to compensate for the shrinking of their revenues, protect their subscribers from unlawful bypass, and paradoxically keep funding the network expansion needed to support data and OTT usage. OTT bypass fraud makes the problem worse and take advantage of the arbitrage created by the absence
of termination fees.

In this context, FraudProtect is a long-term protection to guaranty bypass fraud doesn’t come back.

Future proof illustration
Our answer

Guaranteed results

FraudBuster offers the technical solution to enable operators to enforce their commercial strategy regarding OTT with Spotter, solution relying on a combination of DPI and test calls.

Part of FraudProtect, Spotter monitors (Traffic Spotter), quantify regular OTT usage on mobile networks and detects OTT bypass in real-time (Fraud Spotter). Part of the FraudProtect offer, Spotter delivers a level of service
which relies on performance only.

Fast ROI
Our support

Experts at your service

FraudProtect is provided as a Managed Service, supported by our teams of experts. MNOs benefit from technical, pre-sale and dedicated customer service all along their project from software setup, logistics, fraud blocking process activation and detection rules updates.

FraudProtect comes with the support of dedicated Account Managers that will help Operators get the most out of the service. They will be responsible for delivering detailed detection reporting on a monthly and yearly basis. Backed by fraud Analysts, they will inform, alert about trends in fraud and about how to respond properly to these.

Team support fraudBuster
Our support

Online User Interface

Operators can connect to a dedicated web portal to access the analytics data, download reports and benefit from self-care query features.

As for all its services, FraudBuster offers its customers to evaluate the benefits of its OTT Control Solution during a non-binding free POC.

Customer Interface
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