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Fully managed by FraudBuster, FraudProtect
is an antifraud service with guaranteed results.

Dedicated software & team
FraudProtect relies on SIMBuster, FraudBuster software detection platform. In addition, it relies on our team
of Analysts, responsible for setting the detection rules up and monitoring trends in fraud. Detection rules are
continuously updated so they match with the usage profile of the fraudulent SIMs.
Performances of the service are regularly updated for our system to remain secure.

FraudProtect is efficient against :

  • Picto_Simbox

    Also known as bypass fraud, it is the activity of redirecting international incoming traffic through a telecommunication equipment called a SIMbox (composed of SIM cards and mobile gateways), capable of terminating calls on local mobile networks.

  • Picto_reffing

    Refiling (or Re-origination) is a type of Bypass Fraud that consists in terminating international calls through a local interconnection (or dedicated trunk) of the destination Operator.

  • picto_oTT

    OTT bypass

    It happens when shady carriers route traditional voice call to terminate through VOIP, using OTT service providers services.

  • Picto_PBX

    PBX bypass

    Or “SIMBoxing from fixed lines” PBX bypass shows all attributes of a SIMbox but tagged as a fixed line.

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